founding members

Founding members

Our Board of Directors and founding partners are opinion leaders who have made important contributions to our society. They each bring their own set of skills and experience to the organization.


Founder and President

Mother, architect and activist. I believe in people and create networks to increase effectiveness in all areas of my life. Pooling talents and working together is key, and PeopleHELP is a great example. We set big goals for ourselves and celebrate every success, no matter how small. We want to make sure that resources reach the people who need them, and believe that with patience and perseverance everything has a solution. My motto is ‘step by step’.


Founder and Vice President

Mother of Rita and Fèlix, social justice lawyer for asylum and immigration and Vice President of PEOPLEHELP. Through the development of PH, I’ve seen that if you want to do something, any action or thought can change the destiny of some people, and that each change is a triumph. You may not be able to change the world at a global level, but you can influence small things. With kindness, respect and education combined with persistence and determination, you can make impossible things possible. 

I feel very privileged to be part of this project.


Founder and Treasurer

I joined PEOPLEHELP in August 2021 when I was appalled by the dire situation in Afghanistan and I immediately saw the great potential we had to help. Together we can ensure that people stop being forgotten victims and have a second chance.



Founder and Secretary

Mother, urban planner, secretary of PEOPLEHELP and concerned with the problems of vulnerable people. Activist against the injustices of those with power who don’t use it correctly. Afghans have always caught my attention. Living under the Taliban regime must be terrible, not having the right to education, undervaluing women, selling girls into poverty through forced marriages, and poor widows sentenced to begging for a living. This is why PEOPLEHELP was born, to try to give so many threatened people a chance. Together we can achieve it!


Founder and vocal

I’m the mother of Zoe and Tai and I believe in the power of people who want to change the world. Our strength is our union and our conviction that together we can do great things. We are moved by the opportunity to contribute to a better world. Archimedes said: “Give me a firm place to stand and a lever long enough, and I will move the world.” Our place to stand is PEOPLEHELP.


Founder and vocal

Journalist and activist for non-sexist communication. Coordinator of the European Network of Women Journalists and the International Network of Journalists with a Gender Perspective. I’m now working alongside PH colleagues to support women and children, in this case from Afghanistan. My fight is always for just causes and women’s rights.


Founder and vocal

Computer engineer who likes to sing, dance, chat and network. Professor at the UPC and member of the governing committee of the College of Computer Engineering. I am focused on social justice issues in the use of technology and artificial intelligence. The issues I care about are ethics, the preservation of human rights and the power of women’s networks to change the world. It is a privilege for me to use technology to support PEOPLEHELP’s mission.


Founder and vocal

Conflict resolution specialist, founder and spokesperson of PEOPLEHELP. I am involved with PH to fight for justice and defend human rights, regardless of people’s origin, culture or religion.


Founder and vocal

Inspiration of the ‘Cry for the women of Afghanistan’ and founding member of PEOPLEHELP’s Activists for Equality, I’m involved with PEOPLEHELP because at 70 I still haven’t lost my rebellious spirit to combat injustice. Sadly Afghanistan is the paradigm of the greatest inequality and injustice towards women.



Mother, grandmother and engineer, used to looking for solutions to improve people’s lives. I can’t identify any mechanism or formula that can solve the serious suffering of the Afghans, but I don’t lose hope. PEOPLEHELP is a collection of good people fighting a just cause, crying out to the world to liberate Afghan women, girls and families condemned by radicalism.



Apprentice, curious about the world, non-conformist, rebel.

PEOPLEHELP is a meeting place for people who question systems that violate people’s human rights. I am lucky to be surrounded by people who – with a certainty that things can be different – inspire me and teach me that change can happen with effort and a lot of motivation.



Cultural journalist specialized in institutional communication and stubborn achiever of the impossible, wow, specialist in helping Wittgenstein's flies to get out of the bottle.

I'm in PH because I couldn't stop doing it: an Afghan activist needed a visa. I never had. Why not? Now I have an Afghan family, and my son's toys are spread all over Spain. Their solutions are shared laughter and their wounds, an incentive not to give up.



Journalist, interpreter and now a prominent member of PEOPLEHELP. Last year life wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows after being a target for the Taliban, but God can work in miraculous ways to give us second chances and for that we should always be thankful. Being part of the PH community is like being in a family. It’s an honor being part of this prestigious platform!🙏



Feridoon Aryan is an experienced journalist and media expert from Afghanistan where he has had the honor of shaping the journalism fraternity and training numerous journalists in the war-torn country. Until leaving Afghanistan on 15 August 2021, Aryan was the spokesperson and media relations officer of UNICEF in Afghanistan. He joined PEOPLEHELP right from its inception. “I am delighted and privileged to be part of PEOPLEHELP”.



In this country I am an immigrant, but privileged: I have European nationality. I lived in many distant countries by choice and in some I felt how difficult it was to be “the other”. I spent years of my professional life working with immigrant women in Barcelona and learned a lot about human resilience. Now I am hoping to contribute some of my experience to PEOPLEHELP and to the Afghan people who have given me a reason to relocate to the world.



I am Brazilian, a journalist specializing in scientific communication. I have always thought that we don’t value enough the power of touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or a small act of empathy towards another – yet all of these have the potential to change someone’s outlook. PEOPLEHELP promotes these actions as part of its human approach, and together I believe we make the world a little better.



Hi, This is Kargar, an asylum seeker from Afghanistan. I am one of the million Afghans who lost everything after 15 August 2021. PEOPLEHELP helped me out. Being here I am committed to do what I can for other people in need. I believe what PEOPLEHELP is doing is the full explanation and interpretation of this great poem by Sadi Shirazi:

“Human beings are members of each other”



I am an Afghan national with a background of entrepreneurship and a civil society activist in Afghanistan. I just reached safety with support from PEOPLEHELP. This gives me the real meaning and interpretation of PH and its mandate. What I learned from PH is to support people with all your heart without any expectation in return. I am therefore committed to providing support to thousands of other people mainly women who are at risk and those who just need a helping hand to express themselves and put their talents and dreams into action. The chain of helping people is growing and I as a member of this association will make every effort to positively contribute in this great cause. TOGETHER WE CAN DO BETTER!.



Cultural manager, artist & textile designer, nomad with a love of travel, creative extrovert and fighter for human rights. Working with Afghanistan has made me discover a country full of magic and mysticism, where the ability of people to adapt to adverse situations is unique and exemplary. This is the reason I found and joined PEOPLEHELP. I feel lucky to be part of this great family full of “resisters and fighters” where the word “NO” doesn’t exist. Without a doubt, this is the beginning of a great adventure together with PEOPLEHELP. “Sharing is Caring”



Working with PH as an interpreter made me happy because I was able to help other people. I am glad that I can spend my time helping my other Afghan compatriots. I enjoy working with different people of the PH community and I like the feeling that I was making some small, but significant difference in other people’s lives!! Thank you so much PH for all the unforgettable efforts you have made for the Afghan community.❤️🙏

how we organize

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