
only a helping hand could give us hope

وقتي اميد براي ادامه زندگي را از دست داده بوديم، تنها يك دست براي كمك توانست كه اميد زندگي كردن دوباره را براي ما بدهد آن دست People help بود .تشكر از همه اعضا PH !

When we had lost hope to continue living, only one helping hand was able to give us hope to live again, that hand was People Help. Thank you to all PH members!

Dr. Haidary

PhD in the Basque Country

they did and do

a lot for us

Living in Afghanistan has become more difficult since the Taliban took power. Women are denied their rights. There are many bitter truths that make life difficult for everyone, such as implementing unacceptable laws, banning girls from school, limiting freedom of expression, and not respecting people's privacy. As an Afghan girl and part of the young generation in my homeland, I had lost all hope. I know how difficult it can be. Afghanistan recedes with each passing day as individual rights are violated. Secretly, women are tortured. Every day, there are hundreds of other events that are difficult to hear and accept. Our hope for the future was renewed once more when we came to Barcelona in such difficult times, with the incessant help and collaboration of "People HELP". In the midst of our most difficult days, we experience many things. People HELP and their entire team have been helping us endlessly and doing a lot for us.

Muzhda Zamani

high school graduate

I can continue

with my career

I'm a musician.

Since the Taliban captured Kabul, the situation became difficult for us, our music school was banned in the place where I used to work, and all the universities left Afghanistan.

I tried very hard to get out of Afghanistan and finally made it to Pakistan. After six months there, I managed to leave with the help of the people and reach Spain. Now I am very happy that I got here, and I can continue with my musical career and education. Many thanks to the people who helped me for their support and help!

Mohsin Noori


Gracias People HELP

(It is impossible not to say or write about those who assumed this great responsibility.

Those who have accompanied us from doubts to decision and have tirelessly maintained the small sprouts of humanity.

It is not pleasant to witness the pain and flight of others, but sharing tears of joy is the most pleasant feeling you can experience.

Thank you, People HELP, for your tireless efforts in difficult circumstances when most doors were closed to immigrants. It means great hope for the majority of Afghans.)

Atefah Azizi

Faculty of Law and political science.

Department of Judiciary and Prosecution.

we don't say it

Almost a year ago (August 15, 2021), a 20-year-old and young government collapsed in Afghanistan.

There was chaos in Kabul, the public did not know what was happening, the authorities had fled and people were speechless.

The Afghan tricolor flag was replaced by a white flag in the city.

There were no more police checkpoints in the city.

People panicked and the whole city rushed to the airport, which was blocked on all sides due to the crowd.

It was a time when the Afghans needed the help of all the international agents who were trying to get their allies out.

Spain was the only country that supported all classes of Afghans and the role of People HELP was very prominent.

Thank you Spain And thanks to People HELP

Ahmad Jan Nawzadi

Communication and Advocacy Officer at UNICEF

the best service

When the Taliban took over the government of Afghanistan, the situation became difficult for all women, and especially for civil society activists, as if their survival was a threat to them. At this time People HELP extended a helping hand to save the lives of people threatened with death. And he was able to help and save the majority of Afghan women and families in danger of being killed. Hundreds of Afghan families were able to find a way to survive.

When all doors were closed to Afghans, People HELP stood by and gave hope and worked for a bright and secure future for Afghan women.

Despite the difficult conditions of the Afghan refugees, People HELP did not stop trying and defended them with all its might at the United Nations.

Your support for those who arrive in the safe country and endless efforts for those who are still in the country of transit, including giving them work and attending to their needs and registering them in funds to solve economic problems...

These efforts show that humanity is still alive and there are still angels reaching out to their fellow men and helping.

I wish there were more organizations like People HELP helping save humanity.

Marzeya Jamshidi

My profession was the trainer of the Independent Election Commission.

Vice President and Founder of the Future Women organization

I was the vice president and founder of Banavan Hasti Handicrafts Company.

choose the right path

“The magnificent presence in this world is choosing the right path and leaving a mark of humanity, it can be difficult, we may be threatened, but it is important not to lose hope. Help from people; it is a group of hearts that love humanity and interconnected hands that strive to protect humans.”

Persian/Dari language writer and poet. Collaboration with local media and newspapers. Activity in social networks as a poet and writer.

Hamid Fahim

Engineer, Director of Energy Programs at the Ministry of Enrgy and Water. Pakistan

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