

International Protection

Afghans flee their country where they cannot live due to the current situation. We offer the tools and resources to refugees so that they have information on their asylum process, with all the conditions that this entails.

We defend, advise and accompany the request for an interview at the Spanish embassy, to request transfer to Spain according to article 38 of the Spanish asylum law.

We work to extend the knowledge of Art.38 of the law to other embassies around the world, accompanying families that require it.




Upon arrival in Madrid or Barcelona, Afghan families request asylum and, when there is a place, they enter the international protection program, organized in different phases.

The godmothers of PEOPLE HELP accompany families in administrative procedures so that they can access already existing resources, both institutional and from local organizations and citizen entities. Likewise, we provide emotional support for their real integration throughout the national territory.




Families at risk of death at the hands of the Taliban flee Afghanistan. They do it mostly through Pakistan where they wait for months, or years, for their final destination. They live in a situation of uncertainty and emotional stress, without access to economic resources and depending on the goodwill of local organizations to cover basic needs, which, when it stops being news, they do not have economic resources.

PEOPLE HELP has launched different projects so that these families have a dignified life and the highest level of autonomy possible, in collaboration with other international and local organizations.




The current situation in Afghanistan, since the Taliban took power, is unsustainable for the population. We focus on the vulnerability of widowed women and on the visibility and awareness of the real situation in the eyes of the world and the international community.


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